Ever have one of those days where you feel like you’ve been so productive?  I had one of those days last week where I got more done in a day than I can often accomplished in a week.  I had the privilege of working with Swiffer’s PR firm on a mini documentary project to help raise awareness for our nonprofit, Cleaning For A Reason.  Meredith Pettigrew of Mitchell Communications was the “executive producer” on the project and managed the details meticulously.  Meredith was great to work with.   I can’t wait to see the video which will be out in October during breast cancer awareness month on social media.  Two wonderful ladies shared their cancer-ordeal stories with us on film.  I’ve grown to love them both.

Stacey Swiffer DS TanyaBuckets & Bows Maid Service has had the privilege of helping  these two women who have been battling cancer the past couple of years.  They have become dear friends in the process and often agree to accompany me on media interviews.  They share their stories openly, with the hopes that other women will access the help of free housecleaning while battling cancer.  Participating in the Swiffer documentary, Stacey and Tanya talk about how important it is to accept help during this difficult time.   At one point, Stacey shared how even shampooing her hair after surgery was a major ordeal.  So of course, dealing with a vacuum cleaner was just out of the question.  That’s when Buckets & Bows Maid Service took over the cleaning and helped make life easier for her and her family.


Tanya shared how chasing her toddler took all the energy she had while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.  We gladly stepped in to help and continue to help as she is dealing with her second bout with cancer now.   These courageous women are also sharing their stories with the help of Swiffer using the hashtag:   #SwifferGoesPink on various social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

DS Talks People MagSo back to my “super productive day” last week………Like I said, I got to participate in the Swiffer mini documentary, then we took time out for a photo shoot which included pink Swiffer products and Walmart swag.   Swiffer and Walmart will be using the film to help raise awareness for Cleaning For A Reason during the month of October and inviting others to share their cancer stories using #SwifferGoesPink. …………….. Then, before the day was over, I got a call from People Magazine!  I did a telephone interview for their “Heroes Among Us” section.  The interviewer said the story should make the online version of the magazine, and with any luck I could end up in the print magazine as well!  Fingers crossed, would love to appear in both, but I am grateful for the opportunity to be featured at all in People Magazine’s “Heroes Among Us”!   Woooooohooooo!  What a day :)