Some people think all cleaning products are the same and that the difference is only the price and color of the liquid. Nothing could be further from the truth. When I started Buckets & Bows Maid Service (over 32 years ago!) I just bought products “off the shelf” with no regard for my own health and daily exposure to chemicals that made me cough. Then I read Jeff Campbell’s “Speed Cleaning” book and learned all about his all-natural, non-toxic cleaning products. I ordered my first Red Juice and Blue Juice (all purpose cleaner and glass cleaner) and became a loyal fan. This was back in the 80’s before “green cleaning” was popular. In fact, these two products were the first green cleaning products to hit the consumer market–even before “Simple Green” (which is not very green at all as it contains Butyl Cellosolve, a highly toxic chemical).
We could go to Sam’s or Walmart and buy large quantities of cheap cleaners, or we could use our customer’s products, but the benefits of bringing our own high quality premium products far outweighs the savings of going the cheaper route.
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