Maybe it’s hubris but at Buckets & Bows Maid Service we think we do more than just clean houses. We think we rescue weekends, save marriages, unite families and give back what’s truly finite in our lives: time. We don’t just vacuum, dust and scrub for our clients. We help them live a happier, more balanced life. So when I saw a Volkswagen van, sporting an abundance of colorful stickers all over its sides pop up on television this past week, with a headline of Find Balance In An Unbalanced World, I sat down and watched. Could the secret to life balance be found in a vintage 1970s VW Surf Bus?

Two guys – Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl – are currently touring the country in that VW Surf Bus, sharing their personal experiences with Oola and introducing their newest book, Oola Finding Balance In An Unbalanced World For Women. Their new book follows their 2012  international bestseller, Oola Finding Balance In An Unbalanced World, where they first brought us the concept and principles of Oola.

Oola comes from the word Oo-la-la and it’s that state of awesomeness when your life is balanced and growing in, according to Dave and Troy, the OolaGuys, seven key areas, which they have named the 7 F’s of Oola: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends and Fun. We are each drawn naturally to a couple of these seven areas and, no surprise, often at the expense of the others. The OolaGuys offer steps to keep all seven areas in balance and to uncover what blocks us from living our best — our Oola — life. According to Amazon, they also share what you can learn from a drunken Thai monkey, a black Ninja and zebra-striped underwear, which may be reason enough to read the book.

The OolaGuys have been on the road in their Surf Bus since April, and they’re continuing their cities tour into June. As they travel, they’re collecting people’s dreams, handwritten on colorful stickers and stuck to that VW Surf Bus, offering encouragement and inspiration for less stress and more balance so you can be the best you you can be. The OolaGuys are on a mission to collect one million dreams in their campaign to bring positive change to the world.

Can one word change the world? The OolaGuys’ books are filled with stories from every day people, with endorsements from some famous ones too, who believe so. Follow the principles of Oola and live your OolaLife. We think maid service from Buckets & Bows is a great place to start!