Hey Flower Mound and surrounding residents, have you seen the March 2010 edition of Ladies Home Journal (on shelves now)? Yours truly (me, Debbie Sardone) received an official “Shout Out” as a business doing good and making a difference! I’m proud as a peacock over it! (see page 10)
Celebrate with me! Pick up a copy on any newsstand (I got mine at the Flower Mound Kroger on Cross Timbers) and trade your copy for $50 OFF any Top To Bottom Deluxe Cleaning (new clients, old clients, anyone!)
Or, trade your March copy for $20 OFF an “initial cleaning” (first time to use our service within the last 6 months)
We’re celebrating this great exposure with you by offering a great discount so you can try out our service. If you know someone who would like to take advantage of this special, please send them a link to this blog. They’ll love YOU for it :)
I’m just now getting the hang of blogging for Buckets & Bows Maid Service, so please bookmark this rss feed (did I say that correctly? like I said, still getting the hang of it…..). I will post specials here that you cannot get anywhere in print, so do check back often. You never know, sometimes, when I’m really celebrating I give away FREE stuff! :)
Thanks for reading my first post. Please tweet or facebook this special if you think your friends will like it.
Debbie Sardone
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